Follow my work on Google Scholar and ResearchGate.

In Revision
A manuscript under revision with double-blind peer review journal.

Zhang, Y., Z. Gu, B. Bold, B. Davaasuren, B. Galtbalt, A. Gungaa, G. Purev-Ochir, N. Batbayar, L. Rahman, X. Li, Q. Dai, X. Zhan, and A. Dixon. 2024. Environmental effects on reproduction in a managed population of the harvested and Endangered Saker Falcon Falco cherrug. Bird Conservation International 34:e4.

Galtbalt, B., Natsagdorj, Ts., Sukhbaatar, T., Mirande, C., Archibald, G., Batbayar, N., Klaassen, M., 2022. Breeding and migration performance metrics highlight challenges for White-naped cranes, Scientific Reports, 12

Galtbalt, B., Batbayar, N., Tuvshintugs, S., Vorneweg, B., Heine, G., Müller, U., Wikelski, M., Klaassen, M., 2022. Differences in on-ground and aloft conditions explain seasonally different migration paths in Demoiselle crane, Movement Ecology 10:4

Galtbalt, B., A. Lilleyman, J. T. Coleman, C. Cheng, Z. Ma, D. I. Rogers, B. K. Woodworth, R. A. Fuller, S. T. Garnett, and M. Klaassen. 2021. Far eastern curlew and whimbrel prefer flying low - wind support and good visibility appear only secondary factors in determining migratory flight altitude. Movement Ecology 9:32

Dixon, A, Batbayar, N, Bold, B, Davaasuren, B, Erdenechimeg, T, Galtbalt, B, Tsolmonjav, P, Ichinkhorloo, S, Gunga, A & Purevochir, G 2020a, Variation in electrocution rate and demographic composition of Saker Falcons electrocuted at power lines in Mongolia, Journal of Raptor Research, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 136-46.

Dixon, A, Ward, J, Ichinkhorloo, S, Erdenechimeg, T, Galtbalt, B, Davaasuren, B, Bold, B & Batbayar, N 2020b, Seasonal variation in gonad physiology indicates juvenile breeding in the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug), Avian Biology Research, p. 17.

Dixon, A, Rahman, ML, Galtbalt, B, Bold, B, Davaasuren, B, Batbayar, N & Sugarsaikhan, B 2019, Mitigation techniques to reduce avian electrocution rates, Wildlife Society Bulletin, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 476-83.

Dixon, A., Rahman, M. L., Galtbalt, B., Gunga, A., Sugarsaikhan, B., & Batbayar, N. (2017). Avian electrocution rates associated with density of active small mammal holes and power-pole mitigation: Implications for the conservation of Threatened raptors in Mongolia. Journal for Nature Conservation, 36, 14-19.

Dixon, A., G. Purev-Ochir, B. Galtbalt, and N. Batbayar. 2013. The Use of Power Lines by Breeding Raptors and Corvids in Mongolia: Nest-Site Characteristics and Management Using Artificial Nests. Journal of Raptor Research 47:282-291.

Non-peer reviewed publications

Townsend, S. E., B. Galtbalt, M. Myagmar, J. Baillie, and T. G. O’Brien. 2014. The Wildlife Picture Index: monitoring Mongolian biodiversity with camera trapping. Camera Trapping: Wildlife Management and Research 45.

Batmunkh, D., B. Nyambayar, G. Batbayar, B. Batbayar, S. Gombobaatar, A. Dixon, and S. Batkhuu. 2014. Raptor electrocution on the 15 kV powerline. Toodog 1:26-32.

S.Gombobaatar, H.J.Brown, D.Sumiya, N.Tseveenmyadag, Sh.Boldbaatar, J.E.M. Baillie, G.Batbayar, E.M.Monks, and M.Stubbe, editors. 2011. Summary Conservation Action Plans for Mongolian Birds. Admon printing, Ulaanbaatar.